Monday, May 24, 2010

Good News! Went to Emory today for additional blood work due to the blood clot. Joe's platelets are UP!!!!!!! They are at 117,000. Having said that, Joe will not continue on the clinical trial drug which apparently was the cause for his platelets to lower. On June 9th Joe will start back on the chemo drug, Temodar with what they refer to as the maintenance plan. This plan is 5 days every 28 days he will take Temodar at a higher dosage.

The swelling in his left leg due to the blood clot has gone down a little. Dr Voloschin said it would take a couple of weeks for the swelling to be totally gone.

His right eye is much better. The redness & pain are gone.

Joe has been extremely fatigued & weak but it was explained to us again today that this is due to the radiation treatment. We were told that around the 9th or 10th week he should be regaining his strength and be passed the fatigue for the most part. Joe asked me to let everyone know that this was to be expected and that each day he will get stronger. He knows that those of you who have been around us the last couple of weeks were concerned but he wants to assure everyone that he will get stronger & rested.

We appreciate everything and everyone! Love you all!!!


  1. That is great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so happy to hear this. We love you both! Get some rest buddy cause we need you.

  2. YAY!!!! So glad to hear that. So looking forward to spending time with ya'll this weekend :) Nice relaxing family weekend always does the body good!!!

  3. Great news! I look forward to seeing you sometime soon. Prayers sent your way.
    Love you.

  4. Best news I have heard all week! Thanks for the update Pearl, and give my best to Joe and a big bear hug too. See you soon.
