Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Christopher was Joe's caregiver today. Christopher has taken Joe to radiation every Tuesday. We have enjoyed so much having him spend the night on Mondays. I know it has been good for Joe & Christopher to have this time together. I also know I have grown closer to Christopher and that is a good feeling. We certainly have had some good laughs and emotional moments! Thank you Christopher!!!

I heard from Emory today that Joe has been scheduled to have his next PET scan on June 3rd. So on June 8th when we meet with the doctors for the MRI results we should also have the PET results. Those results should tell us in more detail how the radiation treatment affected the tumor as well as the clinical trial drug and the 1 week of chemo drug, Temador.

Tomorrow is the last radiation treatment day!!! I will be with Joe tomorrow. He will have labs done and we will get the results of his platelets before we see Dr Voloschin to decide what is going to happen about the chemo plan of treatment. Stay tune!!!


  1. Thank you Carol for all the updates. Thinking about you both everyday.

  2. Hey Carol and Joe,
    Thanks for sharing all of the updates. russ and I think about ya all all of the time.we just ate at amicis, and said we need to call you and Joe to meet us some time..When we lived in conyers and went there all of the time, we always ran into ya all.Let us know if we can do anything. Joe has been added to my Aunt's church prayer list.

  3. Yay, Dad!!! You made it through with courage, a sense of humor and a new haircut. I'm so very proud!! Love you!

  4. Prayers continuing for you guys. Thanks for showing all of us what courage and persistence in the face of adversity looks like. Our love to both of you....

    Bobby & Carrie Ann
