Saturday, June 19, 2010

The memorial service will be on June 26, 2010 at 2pm at the National Guard Armory at 4124 Carroll Street SW, Covington, Georgia.

Men, no coat and tie please.

Donations in memory of Joe can be made to :

Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, Inc.
c/o Joe Blasingame
Suite 203-C
5019 Georgia Highway 42
Ellenwood, Georgia 30294-3438

The family requests donations in lieu of flowers.

Thank you,

Friday, June 18, 2010

We were all with Joe beginning around 8pm last night: Christopher, Shane, Heather, John, Mark, Sarah, Jordan, Lindsey and Cheryl. We made sure he knew that we were there with him and that it was ok to let go. Christopher read some of Joe's favorite bible verses that comforted him through out the journey. Of course he didn't let go, because he knew the 17th was Lily's birthday. So he waited and took his last breath on the 18th. I was in the next room with John and the others were in his room talking and had resolved to the fact it was not the time. Next thing you know they hear Joe take a deep long held breath. Christopher came and got me and as I entered the room he took his last breath at 12:05am on the 18th. He had his own time frame with GOD. I should have known! :) He wanted to slip out the back door! :) No pomp or drama and oh so humble..............

Joe finished this journey at 12:05am June 18, 2010 and has begun his new eternal journey with GOD.

I love you so much! I will love you ALLWAYS! I will hold you, Joe to your promise to me!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Not really anything to say............................ Joe's pain meds were increased today and they are putting him on a morphine pump tonight. Now when he is awake, he is very groggy and can not complete sentences. The words he does voice are hard to understand if at all.

I hate this! Watching him become frail, his body breaking down. Seeing him in pain and confused.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Yesterday we celebrated in Joe's room our granddaughter Lily's 3rd birthday. Joe was aware of what was happening. He smiled often at both of his granddaughters, Lily & Ava. Ava is 4 months old and was smiling and cooing at PawPaw.

It tore at my heart when Lily had questions about her PawPaw. She would ask what was PawPaw doing and we would tell her sleeping/taking a nap. But the hardest question was when she was sitting in my lap next to PawPaw and she asked "What did the doctor say?" Yes, that came from a very smart and intuitive little 3 yr old. My reply was "The doctor told him he needed to rest."

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Joe has slept/dreamed most of the day. He opens his eyes at times and will mumble. Sometimes we can make out what he is trying to say.

He is experiencing a regularly, irregular respiratory pattern called Cheyne-Stokes. He takes several breaths, then stops, then takes several more breaths, then stops again, and so on.

Joe's circulation is progressively shutting down. His hands and feet are cool and discolored now.

He has stopped eating and taking in fluids entirely. We are swabbing the inside of his mouth with glycerin swabs to keep it moist.

At times he is restless and then within seconds he is calm. You will catch him frowning one moment and smiling the next.

As I have read the materials we were given upon arrival to hospice, it has helped me to better understand the process the body goes through physically, emotionally & spiritually to "let go". It has helped calm me for the transition that Joe is preparing for.

Friday, June 11, 2010

I came home tonight to get clean clothes & things. Christopher is with Joe tonight.

I walked into the house tonight and never have I felt so alone. Everywhere I turn Joe is there....
I realize he will never be back in our home with me. I so love him....
Joe arrived at Hospice Atlanta yesterday about 4:30pm. He slept the best since arriving at Emory on 5/30/10. It is so peaceful here at the facility and the staff is compassionate and attentive to his needs. We have elected to administer pain medication only at Joe's request this morning. He has told us he is at peace with God and is ready to be in heaven. He is sleeping most of the time. He is still speaking but of few words. This CANCER has progressed rapidly and really hasn't given the kids and I any time to digest it all. But now it is hitting us hard. Our kids and our very close friend Cheryl have been right there with Joe & I in this journey and it has brought us even closer as a family then I ever dreamed it could. Everyone of you have been there for us in some way but most of all with your prayers. Please continue to pray for Joe thanking God for giving Joe the peace he has been searching.

Love you all,

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Joe is being transfered to Hospice Atlanta today.
After meeting with Dr Voloschin yesterday who spoke to Joe, Christopher and me, Joe has chosen at this time to not take on any further treatment. Dr Voloschin informed us that the tumor was growing and there is alot of swelling as well as the infection that is being treated with an antibiotic.

Joe along with his family has made the decision to seek palliative care and will obtain this care through Hospice Atlanta. It will be determined today if Joe will come home and hospice assist in his care at our home or if Joe will be admitted to the hospice facility near Emory.

Joe is continuing to have severe headaches and nausea and is very groggy from the meds that are assisting in keeping these symptoms as minimal as possible.

Dr Voloschin has indicated that Joe has probably only a few weeks left before he passes. Of course a miracle could happen and we have to keep on believing in a miracle.

Time spent with Joe is limited and will be spent with his family. If he improves enough once he is in hospice to have a few visitors then maybe. However as he is now, he is sleeping most of the time and groggy from the pain meds. The awareness time is so minimal that his children, grandchildren and I need this time with him. Please understand and continue to pray for Joe.

Thank you,
Carol and Family

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Joe was transferred to G250 of the NCCI wing. This is a step down from the ICU but up from being on the regular floor wing as far as the monitoring level of care. He did have another MRI yesterday. I also met with Dr Voloschin (Neuro Oncology) and we discussed Joe's options. Dr Voloschin has been out of town and wanted to discuss Joe's case with Dr Ribner (Infectious Disease) about the staph infection and his prognosis concerning the treatment for the infection. Also today is the day that all of Joe's doctors discuss his case in depth. Dr Voloschin said he would get back to us by Wednesday. The immediate goal is to get Joe stable and get him home which hopefully will be by the weekend. He will not return to the rehab facility but will return home. Joe sleeps alot during the day and has a difficult time sleeping at night. They are giving him morphine and/or percoset as needed for pain. Once we are home and when Joe is up to receiving visitors I will let you all know.

I have received voice mails and text messages from several of you asking me if there is anything you could do for us. Right now as long as we are at Emory there is nothing I can think of. Once we are at home I'm positive I will need help in various ways. Now as always keep praying!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Joe has been admitted to EUH through the ER. More swelling has caused symptoms to worsen. He is in the ICU. This is all I know to tell you at this time.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I asked Joe if he wanted visitors now and he requested no visitors. He may change his mind in a few days.
Joe was admitted to Emory Center for Rehabilitation Medicine yesterday. This is a whole new experience and not an easy one by any measure. The therapists will start with aggressive therapy beginning Monday. Joe is the most tired & weak I have seen him so far. It really hurts to see him this way.

We have to concentrate on Joe getting some or all his strength back and at least some of his right side strength & usage back. The other goal is to eliminate the staph infection. This has to happen before any other treatment to shrink the tumor can begin.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The PICC line and IVC filter went well yesterday.

Today a PT & a OT evaluated & worked with Joe. They both have recommended Joe transfer to an inpatient rehab facility. We are looking to transfer tomorrow to the Emory rehab facility across the street. We do not know for how long he will be in the facility yet. Our family agrees that inpt rehab will benefit Joe greatly. Joe agrees as well. It should strengthen his right side and over all help give him back some independence.

I received training today on how to administer the insulin Joe will have to have because of the higher dosage of steroid.

The entire physician team will meet next Tuesday and discuss Joe. They will contact me either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning with their evaluation and recommendation.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The surgeon was able to drain the abscess by needle instead of a craniatomy. Joe has now a second but much larger incision.

I have talked with Dr Olson, Dr Volschin and the Infectious Disease physician team and concluded that the MRI findings from Monday are going to be influenced by 3 things: the tumor, the radiation treatment and the abscess. Any one or a combination of these 3 things could be causing the swelling that would cause the symptoms/side effects that Joe has been experiencing. The MRI showed extensive swelling. So having said that they are not giving us a prognosis based on that MRI alone. Joe will have another MRI in the near future. It has not been scheduled yet. Dr Olson had said yesterday that it appeared to be advancing. I have not seen Dr Crocker (radiation oncologist) yet but have been told he will be by today to see us. He should be able to tell me more on whether the radiation treatment did any good or not. The doctors are focused more on identifying the type of infection and what antibiotic to administer to clear up the infection. They are running tests {cultures} to ID the infection which will take 24 to 48 hrs before we will know what it is.

Joe is down in radiology now having a PICC line placed in his arm that will allow the antibiotic to be administered. He is also having a "filter" placed through his groin to filter any blood clots from going to his lungs.

Joe is very tired and weak. He is still experiencing extreme right sided motor weakness and confusion. He is taking alot of drugs and is sleeping alot. Our family does not feel it would be beneficial to Joe to have visitors at this time.

I am hanging in there but tired. Our family has been a big support and comfort to Joe and I. There will be things I will need help with once we return home. I know that alot of you are wishing you could do something and that will be the time to offer. I will not hesitate accepting your help because I will not be able to do all on my own.

Please keep praying for Joe! He keeps telling me to ask this of you.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Joe was admitted to EUH Sunday. We were at Lake Burton with our family for the holiday weekend. Joe was not doing well and his symptoms were getting worse. So Christopher and I took him to the ER at Emory.

The ER did a CT scan and it showed increase swelling and an unidentifiable spot. He was then admitted and on Monday he had a MRI which indicted there is an abscess next to the tumor. A resident doctor showed the MRI to Christopher and me. She put it up next to the baseline MRI that was done in March. It appears the tumor has not shrunk and may have advanced. The cancer is clearly in the other hemisphere as well. However, I have not heard specifics from The Docs, Olsen, Crocker & Voloschin yet.

Joe went into surgery early this morning and they have just called me saying they were closing. So we are in the waiting room waiting to be called back to post op. I will update when I have more news. Please keep Joe in your prayers! Thank you!