The memorial service will be on June 26, 2010 at 2pm at the National Guard Armory at 4124 Carroll Street SW, Covington, Georgia.
Men, no coat and tie please.
Donations in memory of Joe can be made to :
Georgia National Guard Family Support Foundation, Inc.
c/o Joe Blasingame
Suite 203-C
5019 Georgia Highway 42
Ellenwood, Georgia 30294-3438
The family requests donations in lieu of flowers.
Thank you,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
We were all with Joe beginning around 8pm last night: Christopher, Shane, Heather, John, Mark, Sarah, Jordan, Lindsey and Cheryl. We made sure he knew that we were there with him and that it was ok to let go. Christopher read some of Joe's favorite bible verses that comforted him through out the journey. Of course he didn't let go, because he knew the 17th was Lily's birthday. So he waited and took his last breath on the 18th. I was in the next room with John and the others were in his room talking and had resolved to the fact it was not the time. Next thing you know they hear Joe take a deep long held breath. Christopher came and got me and as I entered the room he took his last breath at 12:05am on the 18th. He had his own time frame with GOD. I should have known! :) He wanted to slip out the back door! :) No pomp or drama and oh so humble..............
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Not really anything to say............................ Joe's pain meds were increased today and they are putting him on a morphine pump tonight. Now when he is awake, he is very groggy and can not complete sentences. The words he does voice are hard to understand if at all.
I hate this! Watching him become frail, his body breaking down. Seeing him in pain and confused.
I hate this! Watching him become frail, his body breaking down. Seeing him in pain and confused.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Yesterday we celebrated in Joe's room our granddaughter Lily's 3rd birthday. Joe was aware of what was happening. He smiled often at both of his granddaughters, Lily & Ava. Ava is 4 months old and was smiling and cooing at PawPaw.
It tore at my heart when Lily had questions about her PawPaw. She would ask what was PawPaw doing and we would tell her sleeping/taking a nap. But the hardest question was when she was sitting in my lap next to PawPaw and she asked "What did the doctor say?" Yes, that came from a very smart and intuitive little 3 yr old. My reply was "The doctor told him he needed to rest."
It tore at my heart when Lily had questions about her PawPaw. She would ask what was PawPaw doing and we would tell her sleeping/taking a nap. But the hardest question was when she was sitting in my lap next to PawPaw and she asked "What did the doctor say?" Yes, that came from a very smart and intuitive little 3 yr old. My reply was "The doctor told him he needed to rest."
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Joe has slept/dreamed most of the day. He opens his eyes at times and will mumble. Sometimes we can make out what he is trying to say.
He is experiencing a regularly, irregular respiratory pattern called Cheyne-Stokes. He takes several breaths, then stops, then takes several more breaths, then stops again, and so on.
Joe's circulation is progressively shutting down. His hands and feet are cool and discolored now.
He has stopped eating and taking in fluids entirely. We are swabbing the inside of his mouth with glycerin swabs to keep it moist.
At times he is restless and then within seconds he is calm. You will catch him frowning one moment and smiling the next.
As I have read the materials we were given upon arrival to hospice, it has helped me to better understand the process the body goes through physically, emotionally & spiritually to "let go". It has helped calm me for the transition that Joe is preparing for.
He is experiencing a regularly, irregular respiratory pattern called Cheyne-Stokes. He takes several breaths, then stops, then takes several more breaths, then stops again, and so on.
Joe's circulation is progressively shutting down. His hands and feet are cool and discolored now.
He has stopped eating and taking in fluids entirely. We are swabbing the inside of his mouth with glycerin swabs to keep it moist.
At times he is restless and then within seconds he is calm. You will catch him frowning one moment and smiling the next.
As I have read the materials we were given upon arrival to hospice, it has helped me to better understand the process the body goes through physically, emotionally & spiritually to "let go". It has helped calm me for the transition that Joe is preparing for.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Joe arrived at Hospice Atlanta yesterday about 4:30pm. He slept the best since arriving at Emory on 5/30/10. It is so peaceful here at the facility and the staff is compassionate and attentive to his needs. We have elected to administer pain medication only at Joe's request this morning. He has told us he is at peace with God and is ready to be in heaven. He is sleeping most of the time. He is still speaking but of few words. This CANCER has progressed rapidly and really hasn't given the kids and I any time to digest it all. But now it is hitting us hard. Our kids and our very close friend Cheryl have been right there with Joe & I in this journey and it has brought us even closer as a family then I ever dreamed it could. Everyone of you have been there for us in some way but most of all with your prayers. Please continue to pray for Joe thanking God for giving Joe the peace he has been searching.
Love you all,
Love you all,
Thursday, June 10, 2010
After meeting with Dr Voloschin yesterday who spoke to Joe, Christopher and me, Joe has chosen at this time to not take on any further treatment. Dr Voloschin informed us that the tumor was growing and there is alot of swelling as well as the infection that is being treated with an antibiotic.
Joe along with his family has made the decision to seek palliative care and will obtain this care through Hospice Atlanta. It will be determined today if Joe will come home and hospice assist in his care at our home or if Joe will be admitted to the hospice facility near Emory.
Joe is continuing to have severe headaches and nausea and is very groggy from the meds that are assisting in keeping these symptoms as minimal as possible.
Dr Voloschin has indicated that Joe has probably only a few weeks left before he passes. Of course a miracle could happen and we have to keep on believing in a miracle.
Time spent with Joe is limited and will be spent with his family. If he improves enough once he is in hospice to have a few visitors then maybe. However as he is now, he is sleeping most of the time and groggy from the pain meds. The awareness time is so minimal that his children, grandchildren and I need this time with him. Please understand and continue to pray for Joe.
Thank you,
Carol and Family
Joe along with his family has made the decision to seek palliative care and will obtain this care through Hospice Atlanta. It will be determined today if Joe will come home and hospice assist in his care at our home or if Joe will be admitted to the hospice facility near Emory.
Joe is continuing to have severe headaches and nausea and is very groggy from the meds that are assisting in keeping these symptoms as minimal as possible.
Dr Voloschin has indicated that Joe has probably only a few weeks left before he passes. Of course a miracle could happen and we have to keep on believing in a miracle.
Time spent with Joe is limited and will be spent with his family. If he improves enough once he is in hospice to have a few visitors then maybe. However as he is now, he is sleeping most of the time and groggy from the pain meds. The awareness time is so minimal that his children, grandchildren and I need this time with him. Please understand and continue to pray for Joe.
Thank you,
Carol and Family
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Joe was transferred to G250 of the NCCI wing. This is a step down from the ICU but up from being on the regular floor wing as far as the monitoring level of care. He did have another MRI yesterday. I also met with Dr Voloschin (Neuro Oncology) and we discussed Joe's options. Dr Voloschin has been out of town and wanted to discuss Joe's case with Dr Ribner (Infectious Disease) about the staph infection and his prognosis concerning the treatment for the infection. Also today is the day that all of Joe's doctors discuss his case in depth. Dr Voloschin said he would get back to us by Wednesday. The immediate goal is to get Joe stable and get him home which hopefully will be by the weekend. He will not return to the rehab facility but will return home. Joe sleeps alot during the day and has a difficult time sleeping at night. They are giving him morphine and/or percoset as needed for pain. Once we are home and when Joe is up to receiving visitors I will let you all know.
I have received voice mails and text messages from several of you asking me if there is anything you could do for us. Right now as long as we are at Emory there is nothing I can think of. Once we are at home I'm positive I will need help in various ways. Now as always keep praying!
I have received voice mails and text messages from several of you asking me if there is anything you could do for us. Right now as long as we are at Emory there is nothing I can think of. Once we are at home I'm positive I will need help in various ways. Now as always keep praying!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Joe was admitted to Emory Center for Rehabilitation Medicine yesterday. This is a whole new experience and not an easy one by any measure. The therapists will start with aggressive therapy beginning Monday. Joe is the most tired & weak I have seen him so far. It really hurts to see him this way.
We have to concentrate on Joe getting some or all his strength back and at least some of his right side strength & usage back. The other goal is to eliminate the staph infection. This has to happen before any other treatment to shrink the tumor can begin.
We have to concentrate on Joe getting some or all his strength back and at least some of his right side strength & usage back. The other goal is to eliminate the staph infection. This has to happen before any other treatment to shrink the tumor can begin.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The PICC line and IVC filter went well yesterday.
Today a PT & a OT evaluated & worked with Joe. They both have recommended Joe transfer to an inpatient rehab facility. We are looking to transfer tomorrow to the Emory rehab facility across the street. We do not know for how long he will be in the facility yet. Our family agrees that inpt rehab will benefit Joe greatly. Joe agrees as well. It should strengthen his right side and over all help give him back some independence.
I received training today on how to administer the insulin Joe will have to have because of the higher dosage of steroid.
The entire physician team will meet next Tuesday and discuss Joe. They will contact me either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning with their evaluation and recommendation.
Today a PT & a OT evaluated & worked with Joe. They both have recommended Joe transfer to an inpatient rehab facility. We are looking to transfer tomorrow to the Emory rehab facility across the street. We do not know for how long he will be in the facility yet. Our family agrees that inpt rehab will benefit Joe greatly. Joe agrees as well. It should strengthen his right side and over all help give him back some independence.
I received training today on how to administer the insulin Joe will have to have because of the higher dosage of steroid.
The entire physician team will meet next Tuesday and discuss Joe. They will contact me either Tuesday afternoon or Wednesday morning with their evaluation and recommendation.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The surgeon was able to drain the abscess by needle instead of a craniatomy. Joe has now a second but much larger incision.
I have talked with Dr Olson, Dr Volschin and the Infectious Disease physician team and concluded that the MRI findings from Monday are going to be influenced by 3 things: the tumor, the radiation treatment and the abscess. Any one or a combination of these 3 things could be causing the swelling that would cause the symptoms/side effects that Joe has been experiencing. The MRI showed extensive swelling. So having said that they are not giving us a prognosis based on that MRI alone. Joe will have another MRI in the near future. It has not been scheduled yet. Dr Olson had said yesterday that it appeared to be advancing. I have not seen Dr Crocker (radiation oncologist) yet but have been told he will be by today to see us. He should be able to tell me more on whether the radiation treatment did any good or not. The doctors are focused more on identifying the type of infection and what antibiotic to administer to clear up the infection. They are running tests {cultures} to ID the infection which will take 24 to 48 hrs before we will know what it is.
Joe is down in radiology now having a PICC line placed in his arm that will allow the antibiotic to be administered. He is also having a "filter" placed through his groin to filter any blood clots from going to his lungs.
Joe is very tired and weak. He is still experiencing extreme right sided motor weakness and confusion. He is taking alot of drugs and is sleeping alot. Our family does not feel it would be beneficial to Joe to have visitors at this time.
I am hanging in there but tired. Our family has been a big support and comfort to Joe and I. There will be things I will need help with once we return home. I know that alot of you are wishing you could do something and that will be the time to offer. I will not hesitate accepting your help because I will not be able to do all on my own.
Please keep praying for Joe! He keeps telling me to ask this of you.
I have talked with Dr Olson, Dr Volschin and the Infectious Disease physician team and concluded that the MRI findings from Monday are going to be influenced by 3 things: the tumor, the radiation treatment and the abscess. Any one or a combination of these 3 things could be causing the swelling that would cause the symptoms/side effects that Joe has been experiencing. The MRI showed extensive swelling. So having said that they are not giving us a prognosis based on that MRI alone. Joe will have another MRI in the near future. It has not been scheduled yet. Dr Olson had said yesterday that it appeared to be advancing. I have not seen Dr Crocker (radiation oncologist) yet but have been told he will be by today to see us. He should be able to tell me more on whether the radiation treatment did any good or not. The doctors are focused more on identifying the type of infection and what antibiotic to administer to clear up the infection. They are running tests {cultures} to ID the infection which will take 24 to 48 hrs before we will know what it is.
Joe is down in radiology now having a PICC line placed in his arm that will allow the antibiotic to be administered. He is also having a "filter" placed through his groin to filter any blood clots from going to his lungs.
Joe is very tired and weak. He is still experiencing extreme right sided motor weakness and confusion. He is taking alot of drugs and is sleeping alot. Our family does not feel it would be beneficial to Joe to have visitors at this time.
I am hanging in there but tired. Our family has been a big support and comfort to Joe and I. There will be things I will need help with once we return home. I know that alot of you are wishing you could do something and that will be the time to offer. I will not hesitate accepting your help because I will not be able to do all on my own.
Please keep praying for Joe! He keeps telling me to ask this of you.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Joe was admitted to EUH Sunday. We were at Lake Burton with our family for the holiday weekend. Joe was not doing well and his symptoms were getting worse. So Christopher and I took him to the ER at Emory.
The ER did a CT scan and it showed increase swelling and an unidentifiable spot. He was then admitted and on Monday he had a MRI which indicted there is an abscess next to the tumor. A resident doctor showed the MRI to Christopher and me. She put it up next to the baseline MRI that was done in March. It appears the tumor has not shrunk and may have advanced. The cancer is clearly in the other hemisphere as well. However, I have not heard specifics from The Docs, Olsen, Crocker & Voloschin yet.
Joe went into surgery early this morning and they have just called me saying they were closing. So we are in the waiting room waiting to be called back to post op. I will update when I have more news. Please keep Joe in your prayers! Thank you!
The ER did a CT scan and it showed increase swelling and an unidentifiable spot. He was then admitted and on Monday he had a MRI which indicted there is an abscess next to the tumor. A resident doctor showed the MRI to Christopher and me. She put it up next to the baseline MRI that was done in March. It appears the tumor has not shrunk and may have advanced. The cancer is clearly in the other hemisphere as well. However, I have not heard specifics from The Docs, Olsen, Crocker & Voloschin yet.
Joe went into surgery early this morning and they have just called me saying they were closing. So we are in the waiting room waiting to be called back to post op. I will update when I have more news. Please keep Joe in your prayers! Thank you!
Monday, May 24, 2010
Good News! Went to Emory today for additional blood work due to the blood clot. Joe's platelets are UP!!!!!!! They are at 117,000. Having said that, Joe will not continue on the clinical trial drug which apparently was the cause for his platelets to lower. On June 9th Joe will start back on the chemo drug, Temodar with what they refer to as the maintenance plan. This plan is 5 days every 28 days he will take Temodar at a higher dosage.
The swelling in his left leg due to the blood clot has gone down a little. Dr Voloschin said it would take a couple of weeks for the swelling to be totally gone.
His right eye is much better. The redness & pain are gone.
Joe has been extremely fatigued & weak but it was explained to us again today that this is due to the radiation treatment. We were told that around the 9th or 10th week he should be regaining his strength and be passed the fatigue for the most part. Joe asked me to let everyone know that this was to be expected and that each day he will get stronger. He knows that those of you who have been around us the last couple of weeks were concerned but he wants to assure everyone that he will get stronger & rested.
We appreciate everything and everyone! Love you all!!!
The swelling in his left leg due to the blood clot has gone down a little. Dr Voloschin said it would take a couple of weeks for the swelling to be totally gone.
His right eye is much better. The redness & pain are gone.
Joe has been extremely fatigued & weak but it was explained to us again today that this is due to the radiation treatment. We were told that around the 9th or 10th week he should be regaining his strength and be passed the fatigue for the most part. Joe asked me to let everyone know that this was to be expected and that each day he will get stronger. He knows that those of you who have been around us the last couple of weeks were concerned but he wants to assure everyone that he will get stronger & rested.
We appreciate everything and everyone! Love you all!!!
Friday, May 21, 2010
I woke up this morning about 5:30am to Joe crying out in pain with leg cramps. Got him up and his legs stretched out. He then fell back to sleep. He slept until 7:30am which then I got him up and to the couch in order to take all his meds, 2 eye drops, test his blood sugar level & the Lovenox injection. He eat breakfast and now is back sleeping.
I hope this is just a little bump in the road and he will get past it over the weekend.
I hope this is just a little bump in the road and he will get past it over the weekend.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Came to a curve in the road of our journey today...we went to Emory for the usual labs today and found that Joe's platelets had not changed any and remain low.
We also discovered Joe has a blood clot in his left femur. His ankle has been swollen off and on but this week it had gotten worse and this morning his big toe was blue. We brought it to Dr Voloschin's attention today and he ordered an ultrasound which verified that there is a blood clot. Dr Voloschin then sent us to the infusion lab for Joe's first injection of the blood thinner, Lovenox. Guess who got to inject him in his abdomen???!!! I received my training of 2 minutes and BAM as Emirle would say it was a done deal! So everyday for at least the next 6 months Joe will be receiving Lovenox,by subcutaneous injection by me twice a day in the abdomen.
Next Dr Voloschin deferred us to Joe's local eye doctor to treat his right eye. Dr Newman diagnosis the red watering eye as having herpes virus the same virus that caused the cold sores inside and outside his mouth that Dr Voloschin had been treating.
So what was suppose to be a simple couple of hours today having his labs done ended being a full day and 3 new drugs to add to the list.
We also experienced our first use of a wheelchair. Now that may not sound like much but it's a big thing with Joe. It's like some kind of surrender to him. However, we turned it around with a few good laughs of me steering him into things such as the elevator wall. Or better yet when he has his foot sticking out when I'm trying to turn a corner! :) You have to reach down deep for those laughs but it's what gets you through the day.
We have to be back at Emory on Monday for follow up labs and to see Dr Voloschin and then again next Thursday as well as Dr Newman in Conyers on Thursday afternoon.
We also discovered Joe has a blood clot in his left femur. His ankle has been swollen off and on but this week it had gotten worse and this morning his big toe was blue. We brought it to Dr Voloschin's attention today and he ordered an ultrasound which verified that there is a blood clot. Dr Voloschin then sent us to the infusion lab for Joe's first injection of the blood thinner, Lovenox. Guess who got to inject him in his abdomen???!!! I received my training of 2 minutes and BAM as Emirle would say it was a done deal! So everyday for at least the next 6 months Joe will be receiving Lovenox,by subcutaneous injection by me twice a day in the abdomen.
Next Dr Voloschin deferred us to Joe's local eye doctor to treat his right eye. Dr Newman diagnosis the red watering eye as having herpes virus the same virus that caused the cold sores inside and outside his mouth that Dr Voloschin had been treating.
So what was suppose to be a simple couple of hours today having his labs done ended being a full day and 3 new drugs to add to the list.
We also experienced our first use of a wheelchair. Now that may not sound like much but it's a big thing with Joe. It's like some kind of surrender to him. However, we turned it around with a few good laughs of me steering him into things such as the elevator wall. Or better yet when he has his foot sticking out when I'm trying to turn a corner! :) You have to reach down deep for those laughs but it's what gets you through the day.
We have to be back at Emory on Monday for follow up labs and to see Dr Voloschin and then again next Thursday as well as Dr Newman in Conyers on Thursday afternoon.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Just a reminder Joe can't type on the keyboard or email or text on his cell phone. If you what to contact him he ask that you call him. He is very fatigued & weak but will either answer your call or return as soon as he is able. Thanks for the understanding.
I am also sharing your messages with him from the blog.
I am also sharing your messages with him from the blog.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Yesterday was not so good of a day for Joe. He was very fatigue more so then ever. He was also very weak most of all in his legs. However when I got home after work he insisted on attending the opening ceremony of the Walton Co Relay for Life. My office had a team in the Relay in honor of Joe. He hung in there and we were both glad he was able to show the girls his appreciation by attending. Some of our friends also attended and we were excited to see them there.
This morning Joe woke with a headache, weaker & nauseated. I called the doctor and we were instructed to increase the steroid back up to 6mg again. He took pain medication which is causing him to sleep which he needs.
Cheryl brought me groceries so we are set for a quiet afternoon and evening and hopefully uneventful. Be back later.
This morning Joe woke with a headache, weaker & nauseated. I called the doctor and we were instructed to increase the steroid back up to 6mg again. He took pain medication which is causing him to sleep which he needs.
Cheryl brought me groceries so we are set for a quiet afternoon and evening and hopefully uneventful. Be back later.
Supporting the troops
The below link takes you to The Newton Citizen newspaper article that was written about Joe & the WWR, etc. There is another picture that you can see if you go to the newspaper site itself. I may be able to add it later today.
Supporting the troops
Supporting the troops
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I want to clarify how I said something earlier. When Dr Crocker lowered the steroid dosage to 2mg, Joe & I were in agreement with that decision. The physician has to lower the dosage gradually for Joe's system to adjust. It is not until what happened that weekend do you know if your system can do without it or how low a dosage can be tolerated. The steroid is for the swelling which is either due to the radiation or the tumor or both.
We have all trust in our Oncology team!
We have all trust in our Oncology team!
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Radiation treatments are over!!! Joe came home with "The Mask" and it is sitting high on the fireplace mantel. Joe thinks we should spray paint it gold!
Dr Crocker lowered the steroid dosage from 6mg to 4mg today which will put Joe back where he was before Dr Crocker lowered it to 2mg which resulted in some side effects that made for a bad weekend.
Dr Voloschin took Joe off the trial drug, Hydroxychloroquine because his platelets had lowered more to 74,000. Normal is around 150,000-170,000. To administer the chemo drug, Temodar the platelets have to be over 100,000. If 20,000 or lower, that requires an infusion. By taking him off the trial drug this will allow us to see if the platelets rise, than we can blame the trial drug. If they remain the same or lower, then Dr Voloschin will change the anti-seizure drug, Zeppra to another drug. This will determine if Zeppra is causing the lower platelets. If it is not the Zeppra, then he will have to change the chemo drug, Temodar to another chemo drug . If that happens then there is a good chance it will be Avastin which will be administered through IV every two weeks. We have the time to try all of this because starting tomorrow Joe is in the "rest period". This time allows the brain/tumor area to "calm down" from the radiation treatment so that the MRI & PET scan will give the doctors an accurate reading on how the treatment affected the tumor.
Hope this was not too confusing. Sentence structure and grammar were never my forte'.
Joe & Josie will be returning to work on Monday barring any unforeseen calamities.
Dr Crocker lowered the steroid dosage from 6mg to 4mg today which will put Joe back where he was before Dr Crocker lowered it to 2mg which resulted in some side effects that made for a bad weekend.
Dr Voloschin took Joe off the trial drug, Hydroxychloroquine because his platelets had lowered more to 74,000. Normal is around 150,000-170,000. To administer the chemo drug, Temodar the platelets have to be over 100,000. If 20,000 or lower, that requires an infusion. By taking him off the trial drug this will allow us to see if the platelets rise, than we can blame the trial drug. If they remain the same or lower, then Dr Voloschin will change the anti-seizure drug, Zeppra to another drug. This will determine if Zeppra is causing the lower platelets. If it is not the Zeppra, then he will have to change the chemo drug, Temodar to another chemo drug . If that happens then there is a good chance it will be Avastin which will be administered through IV every two weeks. We have the time to try all of this because starting tomorrow Joe is in the "rest period". This time allows the brain/tumor area to "calm down" from the radiation treatment so that the MRI & PET scan will give the doctors an accurate reading on how the treatment affected the tumor.
Hope this was not too confusing. Sentence structure and grammar were never my forte'.
Joe & Josie will be returning to work on Monday barring any unforeseen calamities.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Christopher was Joe's caregiver today. Christopher has taken Joe to radiation every Tuesday. We have enjoyed so much having him spend the night on Mondays. I know it has been good for Joe & Christopher to have this time together. I also know I have grown closer to Christopher and that is a good feeling. We certainly have had some good laughs and emotional moments! Thank you Christopher!!!
I heard from Emory today that Joe has been scheduled to have his next PET scan on June 3rd. So on June 8th when we meet with the doctors for the MRI results we should also have the PET results. Those results should tell us in more detail how the radiation treatment affected the tumor as well as the clinical trial drug and the 1 week of chemo drug, Temador.
Tomorrow is the last radiation treatment day!!! I will be with Joe tomorrow. He will have labs done and we will get the results of his platelets before we see Dr Voloschin to decide what is going to happen about the chemo plan of treatment. Stay tune!!!
I heard from Emory today that Joe has been scheduled to have his next PET scan on June 3rd. So on June 8th when we meet with the doctors for the MRI results we should also have the PET results. Those results should tell us in more detail how the radiation treatment affected the tumor as well as the clinical trial drug and the 1 week of chemo drug, Temador.
Tomorrow is the last radiation treatment day!!! I will be with Joe tomorrow. He will have labs done and we will get the results of his platelets before we see Dr Voloschin to decide what is going to happen about the chemo plan of treatment. Stay tune!!!
Monday, May 10, 2010
David was Joe's caregiver today. Everything went smoothly. They thought they were going to have some traffic issues because today was Emory's graduation ceremony but evidently they got up there in between it starting and finishing. Thank you David so much for all your time spent taking Joe to Emory!
Joe has 2 radiation treatment days left now! :)
It sure has been a fast 6 weeks. Now it will probably crawl because we have to wait until June 7th to have the MRI to find out what the treatment has done to the tumor. :(
Joe has 2 radiation treatment days left now! :)
It sure has been a fast 6 weeks. Now it will probably crawl because we have to wait until June 7th to have the MRI to find out what the treatment has done to the tumor. :(
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Let me go back a few days ago and catch up.
Carrie Ann & Bobby spent the night with us last Tuesday and brought dinner. Carrie Ann can put together a mean pot roast with the trimmings! It was sooooo good! I introduced Carrie Ann to Papa Joe's famous margaritas. Just like all who have tried them, Carrie Ann could not stop at one either. :) It was a good evening.
Wednesday Bobby & Carrie Ann were Joe's caregivers. Treatment went well with no hiccups. Thank you both!
Friday Cheryl was Joe's caregiver. Treatment went fine. Dr Crocker found out that the MGMT analysis had not been sent off yet from the biopsy. Long story but he got it rolling for us and we should have the results in a couple weeks. The analysis will tell us if Joe's system will be more accepting of the treatment(s) or not so much. It deals with the chromosomes/genetics. You have to read about it to better understand it because it's too hard for me to explain. It overall is the research aspect to help answer the hows and whys of brain tumors.
After treatment, Cheryl helped Joe take Josie to the Vet to get her shots up to date. Thank you Cheryl for everything you have done! You are the greatest!
Ed came by Friday night to continue working on the stone pad coming off the back porch. It is turning out nice. Thanks Ed!!!
I cut the grass/sod around our house Friday evening and left the other acres to cut the next day. However when I went to cut the rest of the grass on Saturday, we found our mower/tractor had been stolen! We made a police report but probably won't see it again. I did though find a FEDEX delivery at my front door. I received a gift certificate from Lily & Ava, our granddaughters for Spa Sydell. Thank you girls! Granny Carol loves you!!!
Saturday my sons, Mark & Jordan came to the house and pressure washed our back porch & outdoor furniture for us. It is clean now and looks so much better. Thanks boys! I couldn't have done it without you. You 2 mean so much to me! Love you!
We then grilled out Saturday evening and Sarah & Cheryl joined us. The pork tenderloin could have melted in your mouth. It was so good! Later we sat around the fire pit with a fire listening to music and watching the stars in the sky. It was a beautiful clear and cool night! We had Joe bundled up with a stocking cap for his head and blankets to keep him warm and comfortable. We ended the evening with our theme song, I'm Alive................
Sunday morning, we fixed a family favorite breakfast casserole & biscuits. For Mother's Day Mark, Jordan & Sarah gave me a gift certificate to pamper myself at Flaunt, a local spa salon in Covington! Thank you so much! I love you!
Before the kids left Sunday, Joe had Sarah make a large sign and staked it at the edge of the road in front of the house that reads "I Have A Brain Tumor. Bring My Mower Back!"
Hope all you Mothers had as good of a Mother's Day as I had! I sure won't forget it! It was the best!
Love you Mark, Sarah, Jordan, Lindsey, Christopher, Shane, Heather, John, Lily & Ava!!
Carrie Ann & Bobby spent the night with us last Tuesday and brought dinner. Carrie Ann can put together a mean pot roast with the trimmings! It was sooooo good! I introduced Carrie Ann to Papa Joe's famous margaritas. Just like all who have tried them, Carrie Ann could not stop at one either. :) It was a good evening.
Wednesday Bobby & Carrie Ann were Joe's caregivers. Treatment went well with no hiccups. Thank you both!
Friday Cheryl was Joe's caregiver. Treatment went fine. Dr Crocker found out that the MGMT analysis had not been sent off yet from the biopsy. Long story but he got it rolling for us and we should have the results in a couple weeks. The analysis will tell us if Joe's system will be more accepting of the treatment(s) or not so much. It deals with the chromosomes/genetics. You have to read about it to better understand it because it's too hard for me to explain. It overall is the research aspect to help answer the hows and whys of brain tumors.
After treatment, Cheryl helped Joe take Josie to the Vet to get her shots up to date. Thank you Cheryl for everything you have done! You are the greatest!
Ed came by Friday night to continue working on the stone pad coming off the back porch. It is turning out nice. Thanks Ed!!!
I cut the grass/sod around our house Friday evening and left the other acres to cut the next day. However when I went to cut the rest of the grass on Saturday, we found our mower/tractor had been stolen! We made a police report but probably won't see it again. I did though find a FEDEX delivery at my front door. I received a gift certificate from Lily & Ava, our granddaughters for Spa Sydell. Thank you girls! Granny Carol loves you!!!
Saturday my sons, Mark & Jordan came to the house and pressure washed our back porch & outdoor furniture for us. It is clean now and looks so much better. Thanks boys! I couldn't have done it without you. You 2 mean so much to me! Love you!
We then grilled out Saturday evening and Sarah & Cheryl joined us. The pork tenderloin could have melted in your mouth. It was so good! Later we sat around the fire pit with a fire listening to music and watching the stars in the sky. It was a beautiful clear and cool night! We had Joe bundled up with a stocking cap for his head and blankets to keep him warm and comfortable. We ended the evening with our theme song, I'm Alive................
Sunday morning, we fixed a family favorite breakfast casserole & biscuits. For Mother's Day Mark, Jordan & Sarah gave me a gift certificate to pamper myself at Flaunt, a local spa salon in Covington! Thank you so much! I love you!
Before the kids left Sunday, Joe had Sarah make a large sign and staked it at the edge of the road in front of the house that reads "I Have A Brain Tumor. Bring My Mower Back!"
Hope all you Mothers had as good of a Mother's Day as I had! I sure won't forget it! It was the best!
Love you Mark, Sarah, Jordan, Lindsey, Christopher, Shane, Heather, John, Lily & Ava!!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
The week has been a hard one. But before I say anymore I want to thank Christopher once again for being Joe's caregiver on Tuesday. Also I want to thanked Carrie Ann & Bobby too for being Joe's caregiver on Wednesday.
We could not have gone through the radiation treatment the past 5-6 weeks without each and every one of you who volunteered your time to be Joe's caregiver. This has helped Joe in so many ways but most of all he was able to spend the time with each of you. It also helped me in allowing me to work and maintain my job. Thank you!
So as far as how the week has has been some long & emotional days & nights.
Joe's labs this week showed that his platelets have dropped some more. After discussing with Dr Voloschin yesterday we will get Joe's labs next week and if they are the same or lower, Joe will stop the clinical trial drug. If his platelets increase we will know that the trial drug was probably the cause of the lowering platelets. Then that will allow the platelets to increase and he will take the chemo drug with the maintenance plan of 5 days per month at a higher dosage. If the platelets do not increase then we will discuss another type of chemo therapy drug.
I told you that the MRI was scheduled for June 7th and we have now scheduled the results appointment for June 8th with both doctors.
As you all know last weekend resulted in Joe increasing his steroid dosage. The newest side effect has been behavioral such as irritability. Christopher & I got to experience it this
week:( The fatigue has increased alot due to the radiation. He has lost more weight.
Joe & I were at Emory from 9:30am to 2:30pm yesterday. Part of the reason for the long day was the radiation machine had a motor problem! By the end of the day, it was evident that Joe was the most fatigued I had seen so far.
We could not have gone through the radiation treatment the past 5-6 weeks without each and every one of you who volunteered your time to be Joe's caregiver. This has helped Joe in so many ways but most of all he was able to spend the time with each of you. It also helped me in allowing me to work and maintain my job. Thank you!
So as far as how the week has has been some long & emotional days & nights.
Joe's labs this week showed that his platelets have dropped some more. After discussing with Dr Voloschin yesterday we will get Joe's labs next week and if they are the same or lower, Joe will stop the clinical trial drug. If his platelets increase we will know that the trial drug was probably the cause of the lowering platelets. Then that will allow the platelets to increase and he will take the chemo drug with the maintenance plan of 5 days per month at a higher dosage. If the platelets do not increase then we will discuss another type of chemo therapy drug.
I told you that the MRI was scheduled for June 7th and we have now scheduled the results appointment for June 8th with both doctors.
As you all know last weekend resulted in Joe increasing his steroid dosage. The newest side effect has been behavioral such as irritability. Christopher & I got to experience it this
week:( The fatigue has increased alot due to the radiation. He has lost more weight.
Joe & I were at Emory from 9:30am to 2:30pm yesterday. Part of the reason for the long day was the radiation machine had a motor problem! By the end of the day, it was evident that Joe was the most fatigued I had seen so far.
Monday, May 3, 2010
David was Joe's caregiver today. They had the rain to deal with as far as traffic today. They left a little early to compensate for this and ended up having to wait on radiation staff because they had a flood in the department that they had to deal with. Joe had a new Tech today that will finish out the treatments with him. Joe is down to 7 treatments left of radiation!!!
David brought Joe home instead of taking him to work. The fatigue is increasing now that he is into the 5th week of radiation. Thank you David for all your help today including checking on our pressure washing starting up ok for what I need to use it for this coming up weekend. Thank you!!!
Christopher is here tonight spending his usual Monday night for caregiver duties tomorrow. We met in town at Amici's for pizza. It sure was good but I don't think Dr Lanclos would have been happy. Do you think, Lisa?!?! Probably not!
David brought Joe home instead of taking him to work. The fatigue is increasing now that he is into the 5th week of radiation. Thank you David for all your help today including checking on our pressure washing starting up ok for what I need to use it for this coming up weekend. Thank you!!!
Christopher is here tonight spending his usual Monday night for caregiver duties tomorrow. We met in town at Amici's for pizza. It sure was good but I don't think Dr Lanclos would have been happy. Do you think, Lisa?!?! Probably not!
Joe did end up sleeping the majority of the day on Saturday. Cheryl brought dinner and spent some time with us. She also did a little grocery shopping for me. Thank you Cheryl!
On Sunday morning he got up with a little nausea but not as bad as Saturday. We worked through that and later in the morning was able to have a good breakfast, coffee & a long conversation..............
We were suppose to go see my parents Sunday but instead they came to see us. Dad brought me Publix's carrot cake because he knows how much I love it and his homemade broccoli soup. Yummy Dad! I love you both so much!
We ended the weekend Sunday night with sitting out on our covered back porch, a good rain breeze in the air, candles burning & some of our favorite music playing. I had Joe all bundled up in a blanket cause he tends to get cold now days. He really was in his own little safe haven chilling out to the music and singing along! We played the song over and over Kenny Chesney's I'm Alive (with Dave Matthews). We have made it our theme song for this journey we are on.................
So damn easy to say that life's so hard
Everybody's got their share of battle scars
As for me, I'd like to thank my lucky stars that I'm alive and well...
It'd be easy to add up all the pain
And all the dreams you sat and watched go up in flames
Dwell on the wreckage as it smolders in the rain
But not me...I'm alive
And today you know that's good enough for me
Breathin' in and out's a blessing can't you see
Today's the first day of the rest of my life and I'm alive
And well...I'm alive and well
The stars are dancin' on the water here tonight
It's gonna fall a soul when there's not a soul in sight
This boat has caught its wind and brought me back to life now
I'm alive and well...
And today you know that's good enough for me
Breathin' in and out's a blessing can't you see
Today's the first day of the rest of my life and I'm alive
And well...I'm alive and well
On Sunday morning he got up with a little nausea but not as bad as Saturday. We worked through that and later in the morning was able to have a good breakfast, coffee & a long conversation..............
We were suppose to go see my parents Sunday but instead they came to see us. Dad brought me Publix's carrot cake because he knows how much I love it and his homemade broccoli soup. Yummy Dad! I love you both so much!
We ended the weekend Sunday night with sitting out on our covered back porch, a good rain breeze in the air, candles burning & some of our favorite music playing. I had Joe all bundled up in a blanket cause he tends to get cold now days. He really was in his own little safe haven chilling out to the music and singing along! We played the song over and over Kenny Chesney's I'm Alive (with Dave Matthews). We have made it our theme song for this journey we are on.................
So damn easy to say that life's so hard
Everybody's got their share of battle scars
As for me, I'd like to thank my lucky stars that I'm alive and well...
It'd be easy to add up all the pain
And all the dreams you sat and watched go up in flames
Dwell on the wreckage as it smolders in the rain
But not me...I'm alive
And today you know that's good enough for me
Breathin' in and out's a blessing can't you see
Today's the first day of the rest of my life and I'm alive
And well...I'm alive and well
The stars are dancin' on the water here tonight
It's gonna fall a soul when there's not a soul in sight
This boat has caught its wind and brought me back to life now
I'm alive and well...
And today you know that's good enough for me
Breathin' in and out's a blessing can't you see
Today's the first day of the rest of my life and I'm alive
And well...I'm alive and well
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Wanted to thank Scott for taking Joe to treatment yesterday. Thank you!
Yesterday Joe had a headache(the first). It was a dull headache and not in any one spot. As we got into the evening he still had it and he became very weak in his legs. He had to have my help to walk. I called the physician on call and went over all symptoms. He has increased the steroid dosage and was to contact Dr Crocker today to advise for approval and then get back to me.
He had a restless night last night. He got up this morning with legs still weak & the headache. He also had his first episode of nausea & vomiting. He eat some dry toast, took a nausea pill and took a mild pain killer that the docs had prescribed in case needed. He has slept most of the day so far.
Yesterday Joe had a headache(the first). It was a dull headache and not in any one spot. As we got into the evening he still had it and he became very weak in his legs. He had to have my help to walk. I called the physician on call and went over all symptoms. He has increased the steroid dosage and was to contact Dr Crocker today to advise for approval and then get back to me.
He had a restless night last night. He got up this morning with legs still weak & the headache. He also had his first episode of nausea & vomiting. He eat some dry toast, took a nausea pill and took a mild pain killer that the docs had prescribed in case needed. He has slept most of the day so far.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Thank You Rita & Dennis for the beautiful mix bouquet of flowers you sent to me today. It made my day!
Rita & Dennis go back to our soccer parent days with our sons and Rita works at Channel Velocity with Joe.
Rita has shared her faith in God with Joe in so many ways. It has touched him in ways that I can not begin to describe. Thank you Rita for being such a good friend to Joe!
AND thank you both for being our good friends!
Love you guys,
Rita & Dennis go back to our soccer parent days with our sons and Rita works at Channel Velocity with Joe.
Rita has shared her faith in God with Joe in so many ways. It has touched him in ways that I can not begin to describe. Thank you Rita for being such a good friend to Joe!
AND thank you both for being our good friends!
Love you guys,
Treatment Day was today................the results are change in his platelet count so another week not taking Temador (chemo). The Thrush is gone! The incision and his cold sores are getting better. The slight change in his eye site is due to the water content in his eyes due to the steroid drug........that drug sure can cause some interesting side effects or at least it gets blamed for most of them! Dr Crocker cut him back some more on the steroid! His congestion is season related. Dr Crocker gave him a Rx for Ambien to help sleep.............he seems to "think" more than sleep. If you receive an email from him check what time he sent it and you will know what I mean. Of course he was having some out of mind thoughts while he was in the hospital taking Ambien! Heather & Christopher can vouch for that! Results are not back on the genetic testing yet according to Dr Crocker who is going to follow up on it for next Thursday's treatment day.
Heather & Joe came by my office and Joe had his picture taken for the Relay for Life team with my coworkers. The team name is Papa Joe's Biker Chics. Donations appreciated! The link is:
Heather & Joe came by my office and Joe had his picture taken for the Relay for Life team with my coworkers. The team name is Papa Joe's Biker Chics. Donations appreciated! The link is:
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
On a more serious note................we ran into an emotional brick wall at the beginning of the week. We haven't had many so far but we shed the tears and got through it at least for now. I can't begin to know what Joe is thinking, feeling. I do know that I'm not angry or questioning any of this because I'm just numb to it all right now. I do know though that I love, adore and respect this wonderful human being and I will be at his side through this journey....Love you always, Joe...........ALLWAYS........the spelling is intentional, right sweetheart?!?
James was today's caregiver. He also had his ear bent with Joe's "idea" that Joe then decided to can for awhile since James nor I could put our arms around it. I will leave the "idea" to your imagination for now rather than go into detail.................. Thanks James also for fixing the "water hammer" problem in our bathroom!
Today I received notice from Kirsten, the clinical trial & chemo drug coordinator that the MRI to obtain the results from the treatment is scheduled for June 7th at 3:00pm. Those next 24 hrs will certainly be nerve racking.
Heather, Joe's daughter is on her way to spend the night with us tonight. She will be Joe's caregiver tomorrow which is "treatment day". Joe's platelet count will hopefully be even higher than last Thursday and well over the limit for the Chemo drug to be taken again.
Oh and while I am thinking of it, Sue the homemade chicken pot pie is right up there with Lisa Jan's homemade meatballs! Please send me the recipe!
Today I received notice from Kirsten, the clinical trial & chemo drug coordinator that the MRI to obtain the results from the treatment is scheduled for June 7th at 3:00pm. Those next 24 hrs will certainly be nerve racking.
Heather, Joe's daughter is on her way to spend the night with us tonight. She will be Joe's caregiver tomorrow which is "treatment day". Joe's platelet count will hopefully be even higher than last Thursday and well over the limit for the Chemo drug to be taken again.
Oh and while I am thinking of it, Sue the homemade chicken pot pie is right up there with Lisa Jan's homemade meatballs! Please send me the recipe!
I was just told that my office will be participating in the Relay for Life in Walton County on May 14th as a team on behalf of Joe! The team name is "Papa Joe's Biker Chics". Below is the link to the site that tells more about the event. Donations to the team can be made at this site. All of you are invited to participate on the team as well if you would like. They will have a booth set up selling food and raffling items. Thank you to all my coworkers at Management Services Network!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Andrea was Joe's caregiver yesterday. She also had dinner for us. We actually had the meal tonight and it hit the spot! It all was very good. Thank you Andrea!!!!
Today Christopher, Joe's son was the caregiver. I can't begin to tell you how much it has meant to Joe to have this time with Christopher.
Today Christopher, Joe's son was the caregiver. I can't begin to tell you how much it has meant to Joe to have this time with Christopher.
Monday, April 26, 2010
I want to thank Mike for taking Joe to Emory last Friday for treatment. Apparently they did a little looking back to the good old law enforcement days on their trip up. On their way back Mike's son had a flat tire on the expressway on his way up the road. So Ed helped out and picked Joe up at the site of the flat tire while Mike helped his son. Thanks guys!
We had a good weekend. Joe & Ed hung out together on Saturday while Cheryl & I did a little shopping. Joe & I probably needed a little time apart.
Sunday morning Joe had me shaving his head for that smoooooooooooth look! He preceded to tell me how to do it. I reminded him that I had been shaving my legs for the past 40 yrs and did pretty good at it so I didn't need instructions!!!
Then mid day Sunday we had a house full! Heather, John & the girls and Mark, Sarah, Jordan & Cheryl. Josie had a couple of her buddys over too, Jinx & Bentley! We always love it when the kids come over! :)
We had a good weekend. Joe & Ed hung out together on Saturday while Cheryl & I did a little shopping. Joe & I probably needed a little time apart.
Sunday morning Joe had me shaving his head for that smoooooooooooth look! He preceded to tell me how to do it. I reminded him that I had been shaving my legs for the past 40 yrs and did pretty good at it so I didn't need instructions!!!
Then mid day Sunday we had a house full! Heather, John & the girls and Mark, Sarah, Jordan & Cheryl. Josie had a couple of her buddys over too, Jinx & Bentley! We always love it when the kids come over! :)
Friday, April 23, 2010
FYI..................Lisa Jan also makes a killer enchilada casserole! We had it last night for dinner and I'm having it for lunch at work today. Yummy!
Sue Sue we will be having your chicken pot pie this weekend...........can't wait!
I just love not to cook................I hate cooking! Actually, Joe is back at it again....Hurray!!!
Sue Sue we will be having your chicken pot pie this weekend...........can't wait!
I just love not to cook................I hate cooking! Actually, Joe is back at it again....Hurray!!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
In are the results from today.................
Platelet count is rising but just under the limit so we go another week without the TMZ. However, Dr Crocker told Joe that his body is obviously sensitive to the drug and so that's a good thing according to Dr Crocker per Joe. Dr Voloschin who is in charge of administering the drug is the one we should direct our questions to according to Dr Crocker. I will contact Dr Voloschin tomorrow. I'm not sure I understand how that is a good thing but maybe it is. Will find out with Dr V. Joe's incision is looking better actually since he shaved his head. Dr Crocker decreased the steroid some more. Joe loves that! Dr Crocker did give Joe a prescription for Thrush which we were warned that it is a side effect.
Joe loved having Steve & Pam as his caregivers today. He had not seen them in awhile so it was all good.
Steve, Joe was telling me how nice the new truck is............niceeeeeeeeeee! I'm holding you & Pam to a dinner invitation out to the Thai Palace real soon! Love you two & thank you!
Now for tomorrow...............Joe's GBI buddy, Mike will be his caregiver. This could be trouble with the two of them together! Mike's nickname is "Whiskey" need I say anymore..........
Platelet count is rising but just under the limit so we go another week without the TMZ. However, Dr Crocker told Joe that his body is obviously sensitive to the drug and so that's a good thing according to Dr Crocker per Joe. Dr Voloschin who is in charge of administering the drug is the one we should direct our questions to according to Dr Crocker. I will contact Dr Voloschin tomorrow. I'm not sure I understand how that is a good thing but maybe it is. Will find out with Dr V. Joe's incision is looking better actually since he shaved his head. Dr Crocker decreased the steroid some more. Joe loves that! Dr Crocker did give Joe a prescription for Thrush which we were warned that it is a side effect.
Joe loved having Steve & Pam as his caregivers today. He had not seen them in awhile so it was all good.
Steve, Joe was telling me how nice the new truck is............niceeeeeeeeeee! I'm holding you & Pam to a dinner invitation out to the Thai Palace real soon! Love you two & thank you!
Now for tomorrow...............Joe's GBI buddy, Mike will be his caregiver. This could be trouble with the two of them together! Mike's nickname is "Whiskey" need I say anymore..........
Yesterday June was Joe's caregiver. June is known to always be late to wherever she needs to be. However, June was right on time picking Joe up! He must have some clout! They ran into a little traffic going up to Emory but still made it right at 10:30am for the appt.
June, don't be late to Amber's wedding which is in a couple of weeks girl! :)
Last weekend was suppose to be when we were to ride our bikes to Florida with one of Joe's best buddies, Ed. Ed went on but had his sister and son go with him. By the pictures we have seen and Ed's stories, it sounds like they had a great time. Ed brought back shrimp for Joe & I and we had it last night. Man they were delicious! Thank you, Ed!!!!!!!
Today is "treatment day" and the caregivers are Steve & Pam! Joe will have his labs today which, keep your fingers cross, that his platelets will be above the limit in order to go back on the TMZ (Temador). Joe also sees Dr Crocker which gives him the opportunity to ask questions. We make out a list of questions through out the week. So the list is with Joe today to go over with Dr Crocker.
June, don't be late to Amber's wedding which is in a couple of weeks girl! :)
Last weekend was suppose to be when we were to ride our bikes to Florida with one of Joe's best buddies, Ed. Ed went on but had his sister and son go with him. By the pictures we have seen and Ed's stories, it sounds like they had a great time. Ed brought back shrimp for Joe & I and we had it last night. Man they were delicious! Thank you, Ed!!!!!!!
Today is "treatment day" and the caregivers are Steve & Pam! Joe will have his labs today which, keep your fingers cross, that his platelets will be above the limit in order to go back on the TMZ (Temador). Joe also sees Dr Crocker which gives him the opportunity to ask questions. We make out a list of questions through out the week. So the list is with Joe today to go over with Dr Crocker.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Let me just say that I have been using this blog to thank many people for their love, prayers & support. I have been using it also to keep you updated with the day to day events and mostly the laughing moments. I have used this blog as therapy for my own self.
I think I'm able to begin to share "other things" with you all, our family and our friends.
Joe has been searching for some kind of sense to this all. He has been touched by the strength of others in their faith in the belief in God and the power of prayer. Never in our marriage have we prayed openly together until now. Joe believes there is "A Plan" that he is not in charge of his destiny but that it is in God's hands with God's timing. He also believes that "good things" are coming out of this that would not have, had it not been for this journey. There have been some specific things to happen since this journey began to strengthen Joe's faith in God.
Well I'm back.............couldn't stay focused at work after finding out that the 2 weeks that Joe will have missed by not taking the chemo drug will result in no additional intake of the drug extended at the end of the 6 weeks of treatment. Left work early today:(
Christopher arrived for the night and was given the duty of giving Joe "The Cancer Haircut" which is so much better than having missing patches of hair that makes you look like one sick dude. I video the event and will post it asap. All he needs now is a suntan on that virgin scalp!!!
I think I'm able to begin to share "other things" with you all, our family and our friends.
Joe has been searching for some kind of sense to this all. He has been touched by the strength of others in their faith in the belief in God and the power of prayer. Never in our marriage have we prayed openly together until now. Joe believes there is "A Plan" that he is not in charge of his destiny but that it is in God's hands with God's timing. He also believes that "good things" are coming out of this that would not have, had it not been for this journey. There have been some specific things to happen since this journey began to strengthen Joe's faith in God.
Well I'm back.............couldn't stay focused at work after finding out that the 2 weeks that Joe will have missed by not taking the chemo drug will result in no additional intake of the drug extended at the end of the 6 weeks of treatment. Left work early today:(
Christopher arrived for the night and was given the duty of giving Joe "The Cancer Haircut" which is so much better than having missing patches of hair that makes you look like one sick dude. I video the event and will post it asap. All he needs now is a suntan on that virgin scalp!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
This has been a busy week! I don't even know where to begin!
Christopher was Tuesday's caregiver. When he arrived on Monday night he found Joe & I cutting the grass. Yes that's what I said........Joe was on the tractor mower going at it. Tuesday went fine and after treatment they went to the Vortex for lunch in Little Five Points. The best burgers ever!
On Tuesday night Carrie Ann was back to be Wednesday's caregiver. They had one hell of a day! Carrie Ann (aka Shutterbug) came prepared to take pictures of Joe in his "Jason" mask with his 2 smiling radiation techs. You can click on to see the pictures at
After radiation, Joe was scheduled for a PET scan for volunteer research but the appointment time along with the "cocktail" contrast was not ready. So the steroid medication that Joe has been taking kinda took over and Joe had a few words with the staff. Carrie Ann was attempting to apoligize for Joe's behavior only to have Joe go on another rampage. Seeee there is another side to Papa Joe! However Joe did finally have the PET scan after waiting 2 hours. The PET scan is really a good thing cause it will be able to distinguish the tumor and what the treatment results are in some ways better than a MRI. Both will be performed 3 weeks after the last treatment day (May 12th).
Then on Wednesday night Gary & Lisa (aka Snap & LJ from the Notorious Westsiders) came in and spent 2 nights in order to be caregivers for Thursday & Friday. Lisa Jan spoiled Joe with a hardy breakfast both mornings. She also prepared Thursday night her famous, delicious, homemade meatballs & spaghetti!
Lisa announced to Joe on their first road trip to Emory Thursday morning that she had never driven on I-285. Joe's remark to that was "NOW you tell me!" But the drive each way for both days was uneventful and they safely made it back to Covington. Today was lab day and Joe's blood work showed his platelets had lowered some more. So we go into another week not taking the chemo drug.
We did have Lisa running Joe all over to other doctor appts between the 2 days.
Dr Lanclos had the opportunity to show Lisa the "paper plate" demonstration for portion amounts for healthy eating. Joe had already received the visual with me on the last appt. Then Dr Lanclos gave his thoughts on Joe's "red spots" and "low platelets". Apparently Joe's platelets were slightly low at his last check up in February. When Dr Lanclos looked through Joe's records, as Joe describe it, he looked up slowly at Joe and sternly stated "I see alcohol". Apparently drinking can lower your platelets! This was news to us all!
Joe also had an appt with his dermatologist's PA who at our request performed a biopsy on one of his "red spots" that has all of us including the docs baffled. We should know something on Wednesday.
Our weekend was lots of fun!
It started Friday night with Rex, Carol, Janice & Cheryl came over and brought some huge steaks that melted in your mouth, rosemary sweet potatoes and strawberry/blackberry greens salad that was awesome!
Saturday afternoon we headed for Snap's & LJ's to hang out with the "Nortorious Westsiders" and got to see Krod & Debbie who were in town. Rocky decided to rake a place out for a make shaft fire pit in Snap's back yard woods area. Then he preceded to roast marshmellows on the tongs of the rake and a few of us actually ate them! We got to hear all about Krod's "toast" with Debbie's family by Joanie who was hysterical telling it. We loved seeing all of you..............TMT, Tank, Hippie, Bobby, Carrie Ann, Smelley & SueSue!
Oh, almost Joey is going to me a sexy bald man! :)
Christopher was Tuesday's caregiver. When he arrived on Monday night he found Joe & I cutting the grass. Yes that's what I said........Joe was on the tractor mower going at it. Tuesday went fine and after treatment they went to the Vortex for lunch in Little Five Points. The best burgers ever!
On Tuesday night Carrie Ann was back to be Wednesday's caregiver. They had one hell of a day! Carrie Ann (aka Shutterbug) came prepared to take pictures of Joe in his "Jason" mask with his 2 smiling radiation techs. You can click on to see the pictures at
After radiation, Joe was scheduled for a PET scan for volunteer research but the appointment time along with the "cocktail" contrast was not ready. So the steroid medication that Joe has been taking kinda took over and Joe had a few words with the staff. Carrie Ann was attempting to apoligize for Joe's behavior only to have Joe go on another rampage. Seeee there is another side to Papa Joe! However Joe did finally have the PET scan after waiting 2 hours. The PET scan is really a good thing cause it will be able to distinguish the tumor and what the treatment results are in some ways better than a MRI. Both will be performed 3 weeks after the last treatment day (May 12th).
Then on Wednesday night Gary & Lisa (aka Snap & LJ from the Notorious Westsiders) came in and spent 2 nights in order to be caregivers for Thursday & Friday. Lisa Jan spoiled Joe with a hardy breakfast both mornings. She also prepared Thursday night her famous, delicious, homemade meatballs & spaghetti!
Lisa announced to Joe on their first road trip to Emory Thursday morning that she had never driven on I-285. Joe's remark to that was "NOW you tell me!" But the drive each way for both days was uneventful and they safely made it back to Covington. Today was lab day and Joe's blood work showed his platelets had lowered some more. So we go into another week not taking the chemo drug.
We did have Lisa running Joe all over to other doctor appts between the 2 days.
Dr Lanclos had the opportunity to show Lisa the "paper plate" demonstration for portion amounts for healthy eating. Joe had already received the visual with me on the last appt. Then Dr Lanclos gave his thoughts on Joe's "red spots" and "low platelets". Apparently Joe's platelets were slightly low at his last check up in February. When Dr Lanclos looked through Joe's records, as Joe describe it, he looked up slowly at Joe and sternly stated "I see alcohol". Apparently drinking can lower your platelets! This was news to us all!
Joe also had an appt with his dermatologist's PA who at our request performed a biopsy on one of his "red spots" that has all of us including the docs baffled. We should know something on Wednesday.
Our weekend was lots of fun!
It started Friday night with Rex, Carol, Janice & Cheryl came over and brought some huge steaks that melted in your mouth, rosemary sweet potatoes and strawberry/blackberry greens salad that was awesome!
Saturday afternoon we headed for Snap's & LJ's to hang out with the "Nortorious Westsiders" and got to see Krod & Debbie who were in town. Rocky decided to rake a place out for a make shaft fire pit in Snap's back yard woods area. Then he preceded to roast marshmellows on the tongs of the rake and a few of us actually ate them! We got to hear all about Krod's "toast" with Debbie's family by Joanie who was hysterical telling it. We loved seeing all of you..............TMT, Tank, Hippie, Bobby, Carrie Ann, Smelley & SueSue!
Oh, almost Joey is going to me a sexy bald man! :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Friday, April 9, 2010
The first complete treatment week down and 5 more to go!!!
Joe's caregiver today was David. David will be walking his only daughter, Jenna down the aisle this summer. So going up the road, Joe had the liberty of giving David his thoughts based on what he experienced giving his only daughter, Heather away at her wedding. According to Joe it's just fine for a man/father to cry when it's his daughter's wedding. :) So Renee, make sure you have plenty of Kleenex for David!
I want to end this Friday by thanking once again those who were the caregivers since we started.
Thank you!
Cheryl Blasingame... Sarah Bowen... Christopher Blasingame... Carrie Ann Byrne... James Hyde... David Engle
Joe's caregiver today was David. David will be walking his only daughter, Jenna down the aisle this summer. So going up the road, Joe had the liberty of giving David his thoughts based on what he experienced giving his only daughter, Heather away at her wedding. According to Joe it's just fine for a man/father to cry when it's his daughter's wedding. :) So Renee, make sure you have plenty of Kleenex for David!
I want to end this Friday by thanking once again those who were the caregivers since we started.
Thank you!
Cheryl Blasingame... Sarah Bowen... Christopher Blasingame... Carrie Ann Byrne... James Hyde... David Engle
Thursday, April 8, 2010
We were told in the beginning that Thursdays would be "Treatment Day". We knew that Thursdays would be the day each week that Joe would have blood work done. Joe found out today that "Treatment Day" also included seeing the oncologist. So Joe & James, caregiver for the day saw Dr. Crocker. The conclusion of the visit was that Joe would cut back on the daily dosage of steroids. Joe loved hearing this.
Kirsten from Medicine Oncology contacted me this afternoon with Joe's lab results. Everything was good except his platelet count was a little low. So for the next 7 days Joe will not take the chemo drug, Temodar in order for his platelets to increase. If his blood labs come back next Thursday indicating they have increased then Joe starts back on the drug. Kirsten also changed the times of the day to take the clinical trial drug, HCQ.
It was a long day but with James' help Joe got through it with lunch at Steak n Shake before being dropped off at his office. Thanks James!!!!
Kirsten from Medicine Oncology contacted me this afternoon with Joe's lab results. Everything was good except his platelet count was a little low. So for the next 7 days Joe will not take the chemo drug, Temodar in order for his platelets to increase. If his blood labs come back next Thursday indicating they have increased then Joe starts back on the drug. Kirsten also changed the times of the day to take the clinical trial drug, HCQ.
It was a long day but with James' help Joe got through it with lunch at Steak n Shake before being dropped off at his office. Thanks James!!!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Carrie Ann (aka Shutterbug) one of the "Notorious Westsiders"was Joe's caregiver today.
Yes, Ashley she did bring her camera and according to Joe got some great shots of Josie catching the Frisbee!
Joe had a good time with Carrie Ann. Anyone who knows her knows she never meets a stranger. Well today was no exception. According to Joe he came back to the waiting room after the treatment and found her talking with other patients like she had always known them.
They also went to the local deli in Covington and cheated and shared a dessert! I'm glad Dr Lanclos didn't run in to you! Next, Carrie Ann took Joe to get his hair cut and met his hairdresser, Sandy who has been praying for Joe ever since the tumor was diagnosed. Sandy makes a point of the two of them praying together when Joe is in for a haircut and included Carrie Ann today.
Thank you Carrie Ann & see you next Wednesday!!!
P.S. Joe & I will be thinking of you & your family when you travel tomorrow for your grandmother's funeral in IL.
Yes, Ashley she did bring her camera and according to Joe got some great shots of Josie catching the Frisbee!
Joe had a good time with Carrie Ann. Anyone who knows her knows she never meets a stranger. Well today was no exception. According to Joe he came back to the waiting room after the treatment and found her talking with other patients like she had always known them.
They also went to the local deli in Covington and cheated and shared a dessert! I'm glad Dr Lanclos didn't run in to you! Next, Carrie Ann took Joe to get his hair cut and met his hairdresser, Sandy who has been praying for Joe ever since the tumor was diagnosed. Sandy makes a point of the two of them praying together when Joe is in for a haircut and included Carrie Ann today.
Thank you Carrie Ann & see you next Wednesday!!!
P.S. Joe & I will be thinking of you & your family when you travel tomorrow for your grandmother's funeral in IL.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Joe has started off the week well.
Sarah, our daughter in law was Joe's caregiver on Monday. Joe had alot of fun with Sarah. They always have joked around with each other! Thank you Sarah!!!
Also, Sarah brought lasagna that her mother Kathy made. Yummy! It was sooooo good, Kathy! Thank you! Thank you!
Today Christopher, Joe's son was the caregiver and kept Joe fascinated by how he was multi-tasking between caregiver and his own job responsibilities. Anyone who knows Christopher knows he is a workaholic and a great son! Thank you Christopher!!!!
Sarah, our daughter in law was Joe's caregiver on Monday. Joe had alot of fun with Sarah. They always have joked around with each other! Thank you Sarah!!!
Also, Sarah brought lasagna that her mother Kathy made. Yummy! It was sooooo good, Kathy! Thank you! Thank you!
Today Christopher, Joe's son was the caregiver and kept Joe fascinated by how he was multi-tasking between caregiver and his own job responsibilities. Anyone who knows Christopher knows he is a workaholic and a great son! Thank you Christopher!!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Arvo and Barry!!! The grass looks great and for putting out the weed killer yesterday. I love working in the yard (really) but I have to admit doing it all by myself was not something I was looking forward to.
Thank you Cheryl for the delicious stuffed peppers for dinner and the fritata & basil grapefruit for breakfast!
Thank you Conyers First United Methodist Church for the Easter basket!
Had a great day today with the visit from Heather, John, Lily & Ava! There's nothing like being grandparents!
Also had a visit from my parents who brought dinner for the 2 of us. Thanks mom & dad!
Thank you Cheryl for the delicious stuffed peppers for dinner and the fritata & basil grapefruit for breakfast!
Thank you Conyers First United Methodist Church for the Easter basket!
Had a great day today with the visit from Heather, John, Lily & Ava! There's nothing like being grandparents!
Also had a visit from my parents who brought dinner for the 2 of us. Thanks mom & dad!
Friday, April 2, 2010
Diagnosis from the PA is Asteatotic Dermatitis, dry patches. PA stated not contact dermatitis or drug reaction or hypersensitivity. Was given a prescription ointment.
Good news, Joe received his "Dragon" voice recognition software so that it will replace him having to type which isn't working out so will now. He is excited because it helps him stay in the loop with what's going on at work and he can give his "2 cents worth" to the email discussion. If there is a will there is away!!!!!
Good news, Joe received his "Dragon" voice recognition software so that it will replace him having to type which isn't working out so will now. He is excited because it helps him stay in the loop with what's going on at work and he can give his "2 cents worth" to the email discussion. If there is a will there is away!!!!!
Just heard from Joe & Cheryl and today's treatment went well! Joe does have a rash on his arms and Dr Crocker looked at it and told Joe to see his local dermatologist who is our friend Dr John Fountain. Dr Crocker stated that the anti seizure meds and the steriods do not normally cause a rash on the arms but on the face. Joe is on 10 drugs now so I'm not sure how John is going to figure this out. It doesn't itch or burn. It may be he just needs to stay out of the sun because some of the drugs are sensitive to sunlight. Cheryl and Joe are on their way over to see John or his PA now.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
We are off to a great start!!! Everything went as planned today. It did take a little longer on the table for Joe because the radiation team had to adjust a few "beams" for lack of better words. Don't want to zap the good brain cells!!! Must be precise!!! Joe did really well and only was tired when we got home.
We were told today the appointment time for the future radiation treatment starting tomorrow will be at 10:30am instead of 12 noon. Therefore the schedule will be the following:
7:30am-8:30am breakfast
8:30am-can not have anything to eat
9:00am-take Zolfran with water for nausea as you are walking out the door
9:30am-take Temodar (chemo drug) in the car with water
12:30pm-can start eating again (lunch)
Thursdays only-blood work drawn after radiation
I have allowed 1hr 30 min for driving time/traffic to Emory/Winship Cancer Center on Clifton Rd across the Emory Hospital. (I-20 west; I-285North; Church Street Exit turn left off ramp;
Turn right onto North Decatur Rd; Turn right onto Clifton Rd; Turn right into Emory Clinic; Turn left into building A & C valet parking). Radiation staff will give you a blue sticker to place on your valet ticket for free valet parking when you leave.
Radiation Oncology is in the Winship C building on the Tunnel floor level. When you get off the elevator turn left and you are there. Floors, elevators, departments are clearly marked with signage throughout the building. Everyone is very helpful and polite.
If you would like to be a "Caregiver for the Day" then please contact me as soon as possible. There are plenty of days that need a caregiver volunteer. Detailed instructions will be in the kitchen at the house the day you arrive.
Thank you all for your prayers and support! Joe & I could not get through this without you all!
We were told today the appointment time for the future radiation treatment starting tomorrow will be at 10:30am instead of 12 noon. Therefore the schedule will be the following:
7:30am-8:30am breakfast
8:30am-can not have anything to eat
9:00am-take Zolfran with water for nausea as you are walking out the door
9:30am-take Temodar (chemo drug) in the car with water
12:30pm-can start eating again (lunch)
Thursdays only-blood work drawn after radiation
I have allowed 1hr 30 min for driving time/traffic to Emory/Winship Cancer Center on Clifton Rd across the Emory Hospital. (I-20 west; I-285North; Church Street Exit turn left off ramp;
Turn right onto North Decatur Rd; Turn right onto Clifton Rd; Turn right into Emory Clinic; Turn left into building A & C valet parking). Radiation staff will give you a blue sticker to place on your valet ticket for free valet parking when you leave.
Radiation Oncology is in the Winship C building on the Tunnel floor level. When you get off the elevator turn left and you are there. Floors, elevators, departments are clearly marked with signage throughout the building. Everyone is very helpful and polite.
If you would like to be a "Caregiver for the Day" then please contact me as soon as possible. There are plenty of days that need a caregiver volunteer. Detailed instructions will be in the kitchen at the house the day you arrive.
Thank you all for your prayers and support! Joe & I could not get through this without you all!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Several of you have asked how to sign up for "caregiver" for a day which includes driving Joe to his radiation treatment. If you would like to volunteer please contact me by one of the following ways:
Cell# 770-601-5290 (call or text)
home# 770-385-1265
OR post a comment on the blog telling me the date you are volunteering for
I will then add your name as the "caregiver" on the calendar for the date you chose.
Thank you in advance and hugs when I see you next!!!
Cell# 770-601-5290 (call or text)
home# 770-385-1265
OR post a comment on the blog telling me the date you are volunteering for
I will then add your name as the "caregiver" on the calendar for the date you chose.
Thank you in advance and hugs when I see you next!!!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
So treatment begins next Thursday, 4/1 and I will take Joe. On Friday, 4/2 Cheryl will take Joe and on Monday, 4/5 Sarah will. The rest is wide open. In a prior posting I outlined the daily schedule and the times were based on the appt time given for next Thursday. Radiation oncology has given us the impression the time will be the same but can not commit until next Thursday for sure. Regardless of the appt time, the schedule of events begin 2 hrs prior & 2hrs after radiation. I will count on the "caregiver for the day" to be sure Joe takes the nausea medication 1 1/2 hrs prior to radiation appt, the chemo drug 1 hr prior to radiation appt, have him at his radiation appt and return him home all on time. On Thursdays after radiation he has to have his blood work drawn so it will be a little later returning home. Depending on how he feels, he will get lunch at home or the caregiver will have to help him with lunch (pick up or home). This is all new to all of us so communication is extremely important. Do not hesitate to ask me any questions you may have. I will be learning as we move forward as much as the next person. The caregiver will need to be present with Joe as much as the medical staff will allow. The tumor & the treatment side effects are & will be effecting his thinking, memory & language. So please make note of anything the medical staff shares with Joe &/or you to share with me. I will have all instructions printed at home for the caregiver's use.
Thank you to all of you who can/will volunteer to be Joe's "caregiver for the day".
We could not get through this without your help.
Thank you to all of you who can/will volunteer to be Joe's "caregiver for the day".
We could not get through this without your help.
Today I was surprised, honored and humbled to receive The Georgia Commendation Medal which was presented by Senator John Douglas. I was surrounded by the ones who mean the most to me, my family, close friends and the Warriors Watch Riders.
There is no doubt in my mind that my brother and friend, SSG Bob Swanson played a integral part in me receiving this medal.
Thank you all for being a part of this great day that will never be forgotten!
Papa Joe
There is no doubt in my mind that my brother and friend, SSG Bob Swanson played a integral part in me receiving this medal.
Thank you all for being a part of this great day that will never be forgotten!
Papa Joe
Friday, March 26, 2010
Well the last 3 days have certainly been non stop. Wednesday Dr Olson wanted at the last minute for us to come in for him to check Joe's biopsy incision. I opened a can of worms by calling his nurse because it wasn't looking so good. So I headed home to pack for an overnight at Joe's son, Christopher (his home is 15 minutes from Emory). This way we could make it to the Thursday scheduled 7am MRI appt at Emory without having to get up at the crack of dawn to make the appt from Covington. Packed, I went and picked up Joe from his work and headed for Dr Olson's only to be told it looked fine. We then went to Christopher's & Shane's and had a relaxing, wonderful evening with them. Next morning up at 5:30am, we made the 7am MRI with 10 minutes to spare. Next was the 10am appt with the radiation therapist who molded and marked the "Jason" mask. I must tell you that when we walked into the radiation waiting room and saw so many sick people, Joe and I experienced a hard reality check. We then saw Dr Crocker who went over what the steps we needed to do prior to the radiation and after. Joe starts treatment April 1st, Thursday.
The next 6 week's daily regiment will be :
9am = A substantial breakfast (protein)
10am = Can not eat for 2hrs prior to radiation
10:30am = Take drug, Zofran for nausea & vomiting
11:00am = Take chemo drug, Temodar
12:00pm = Radiation at Emory
2pm = Can start eating again (can't eat for 2 hrs after radiation)
We will receive the complete appt times for on April 1st.
Today, Joe and I were back at work. At 11:30am I received a call from Dr Voloschin's nurse telling me to take Joe to his primary care provider or the local ER because his blood glucose work up done yesterday came back with a extremely elevated reading of 413 (normal is below at least 120). I tried calling the PCP but I kept being put on HOLD. Even Dr Voloschin's nurse could not make contact through the physician back line. So I took him to the ER. After blood work, chest xray & EKG the ER released Joe and told us to see the PCP! The ER physician was able to get in contact with the PCP and told him we were coming. After seeing the PCP, we left with yet another prescription drug and a glucose monitor. The steroid that Joe has to take for the swelling the tumor is causing has the side effect of increasing his blood glucose. We finally got home about 5:30pm.
Carol aka Pearl
The next 6 week's daily regiment will be :
9am = A substantial breakfast (protein)
10am = Can not eat for 2hrs prior to radiation
10:30am = Take drug, Zofran for nausea & vomiting
11:00am = Take chemo drug, Temodar
12:00pm = Radiation at Emory
2pm = Can start eating again (can't eat for 2 hrs after radiation)
We will receive the complete appt times for on April 1st.
Today, Joe and I were back at work. At 11:30am I received a call from Dr Voloschin's nurse telling me to take Joe to his primary care provider or the local ER because his blood glucose work up done yesterday came back with a extremely elevated reading of 413 (normal is below at least 120). I tried calling the PCP but I kept being put on HOLD. Even Dr Voloschin's nurse could not make contact through the physician back line. So I took him to the ER. After blood work, chest xray & EKG the ER released Joe and told us to see the PCP! The ER physician was able to get in contact with the PCP and told him we were coming. After seeing the PCP, we left with yet another prescription drug and a glucose monitor. The steroid that Joe has to take for the swelling the tumor is causing has the side effect of increasing his blood glucose. We finally got home about 5:30pm.
Carol aka Pearl
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thank you to the Hyde family for the delicious dinner you brought to us tonight! It was yummy! My personal chef is not cooking these days and I hate to cook as most of my family & friends know.
Thank you to Calamity Jane, Ed and Mountainman Jake for the "Edible Arrangement" that we received today! Of course Joe loved the chocolate dipped too!
Thank you to all of our friends that have sent cards and specially for all the prayers.
Thank you to Calamity Jane, Ed and Mountainman Jake for the "Edible Arrangement" that we received today! Of course Joe loved the chocolate dipped too!
Thank you to all of our friends that have sent cards and specially for all the prayers.
Joe went to work yesterday and loved being back at work. His close friend, Ed was his taxi for the day. Thanks Ed! Joe will be working from home today.
He was sooooooooo happy to see his WW friends this past Sunday with the surprise guests, Harry & Calamity from PA! He also spent the day with all his kids and granddaughters this past Saturday. Granddogs too!
I can not begin to tell you how this past weekend visits from his family and the WW friends touched him! :) Carol
He was sooooooooo happy to see his WW friends this past Sunday with the surprise guests, Harry & Calamity from PA! He also spent the day with all his kids and granddaughters this past Saturday. Granddogs too!
I can not begin to tell you how this past weekend visits from his family and the WW friends touched him! :) Carol
Friday, March 19, 2010
The Journey Begins
Welcome to the new twist in the road and all that it will bring.
Please know that each thought and prayer has been received and not taken for granted. As we move forward through this, we'll have more time to spend with our family and friends. We need you all to ride with us on this journey.
Next week I'll get fitted for my "Jason" Nightmare on Elm Street radiation mask and have another baseline MRI. We anticipate to begin both chemo and radiation the following week.
When treatment begins in full force, we'll start asking everyone to help with my trips to Emory Monday through Friday. There will be a calendar that everyone can use to see the appointments and sign up to help. This is also a great way for me to spend time with the people I care about most. So, stay tuned.
Papa Joe
Please know that each thought and prayer has been received and not taken for granted. As we move forward through this, we'll have more time to spend with our family and friends. We need you all to ride with us on this journey.
Next week I'll get fitted for my "Jason" Nightmare on Elm Street radiation mask and have another baseline MRI. We anticipate to begin both chemo and radiation the following week.
When treatment begins in full force, we'll start asking everyone to help with my trips to Emory Monday through Friday. There will be a calendar that everyone can use to see the appointments and sign up to help. This is also a great way for me to spend time with the people I care about most. So, stay tuned.
Papa Joe
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