Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thank you to the Hyde family for the delicious dinner you brought to us tonight! It was yummy! My personal chef is not cooking these days and I hate to cook as most of my family & friends know.

Thank you to Calamity Jane, Ed and Mountainman Jake for the "Edible Arrangement" that we received today! Of course Joe loved the chocolate dipped fruit.....................me too!

Thank you to all of our friends that have sent cards and specially for all the prayers.



  1. Good morning PaPa Joe and Carol! Have a great day and know we love you both!

  2. PJ, Going to see if i can ship you a scots flag to wave high, and tell every F>>>er to piss off, we are gonna beat this together, orahhhhh,
    Semper FI. Do or Die, Marinesss

    Just remember Bro i am with you on this ride as well, Jake

  3. Hey PaPa Joe and Carol-my Aunt asked me to post this for her.

    Hi PaPa Joe, this is Mary Beth - Moonshine's favorite aunt (her only aunt!). Wanted to convey that you are in my thoughts and prayers during these difficult days. You were so nice to my father last year (H.K. "Pop" Edwards) visiting him in the hospital. That alone makes you my hero. My thoughts are with you and your family.
