Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Joe was transferred to G250 of the NCCI wing. This is a step down from the ICU but up from being on the regular floor wing as far as the monitoring level of care. He did have another MRI yesterday. I also met with Dr Voloschin (Neuro Oncology) and we discussed Joe's options. Dr Voloschin has been out of town and wanted to discuss Joe's case with Dr Ribner (Infectious Disease) about the staph infection and his prognosis concerning the treatment for the infection. Also today is the day that all of Joe's doctors discuss his case in depth. Dr Voloschin said he would get back to us by Wednesday. The immediate goal is to get Joe stable and get him home which hopefully will be by the weekend. He will not return to the rehab facility but will return home. Joe sleeps alot during the day and has a difficult time sleeping at night. They are giving him morphine and/or percoset as needed for pain. Once we are home and when Joe is up to receiving visitors I will let you all know.

I have received voice mails and text messages from several of you asking me if there is anything you could do for us. Right now as long as we are at Emory there is nothing I can think of. Once we are at home I'm positive I will need help in various ways. Now as always keep praying!


  1. Thanks for updating us. Call when you need us.
    love hugs and prayers,
    Rex and Carol

  2. Prayers and XXOO
    Love you both LJ and SNAP...

  3. Prayers for healing continue....

  4. Love and continued prayers...
