Friday, March 26, 2010

Well the last 3 days have certainly been non stop. Wednesday Dr Olson wanted at the last minute for us to come in for him to check Joe's biopsy incision. I opened a can of worms by calling his nurse because it wasn't looking so good. So I headed home to pack for an overnight at Joe's son, Christopher (his home is 15 minutes from Emory). This way we could make it to the Thursday scheduled 7am MRI appt at Emory without having to get up at the crack of dawn to make the appt from Covington. Packed, I went and picked up Joe from his work and headed for Dr Olson's only to be told it looked fine. We then went to Christopher's & Shane's and had a relaxing, wonderful evening with them. Next morning up at 5:30am, we made the 7am MRI with 10 minutes to spare. Next was the 10am appt with the radiation therapist who molded and marked the "Jason" mask. I must tell you that when we walked into the radiation waiting room and saw so many sick people, Joe and I experienced a hard reality check. We then saw Dr Crocker who went over what the steps we needed to do prior to the radiation and after. Joe starts treatment April 1st, Thursday.

The next 6 week's daily regiment will be :
9am = A substantial breakfast (protein)
10am = Can not eat for 2hrs prior to radiation
10:30am = Take drug, Zofran for nausea & vomiting
11:00am = Take chemo drug, Temodar
12:00pm = Radiation at Emory
2pm = Can start eating again (can't eat for 2 hrs after radiation)

We will receive the complete appt times for on April 1st.

Today, Joe and I were back at work. At 11:30am I received a call from Dr Voloschin's nurse telling me to take Joe to his primary care provider or the local ER because his blood glucose work up done yesterday came back with a extremely elevated reading of 413 (normal is below at least 120). I tried calling the PCP but I kept being put on HOLD. Even Dr Voloschin's nurse could not make contact through the physician back line. So I took him to the ER. After blood work, chest xray & EKG the ER released Joe and told us to see the PCP! The ER physician was able to get in contact with the PCP and told him we were coming. After seeing the PCP, we left with yet another prescription drug and a glucose monitor. The steroid that Joe has to take for the swelling the tumor is causing has the side effect of increasing his blood glucose. We finally got home about 5:30pm.

Carol aka Pearl


  1. Man, what a day you've had. I hope this side effect can be controlled by the meds. Hope to see you soon. Prayers for peace and positive energy are going out tonight. Love to you both.

    Bobby & Carrie Ann

  2. Today is Saturday and we just arrived home from your BIG SURPRISE at the National Guard. Congratulations Papa Joe!!! You are so deserving of "The Georgia Commendation Medal". It was wonderful being together with so many friends and family . . . experiencing this moment with you. Pearl was beaming!! You truly are blessed to have so many wonderful, caring people in your life. Thank You Sgt. Swanson and Bravo Company.

    We love you.
    Carrie Ann (and Bobby)
