Monday, April 19, 2010

Let me just say that I have been using this blog to thank many people for their love, prayers & support. I have been using it also to keep you updated with the day to day events and mostly the laughing moments. I have used this blog as therapy for my own self.

I think I'm able to begin to share "other things" with you all, our family and our friends.

Joe has been searching for some kind of sense to this all. He has been touched by the strength of others in their faith in the belief in God and the power of prayer. Never in our marriage have we prayed openly together until now. Joe believes there is "A Plan" that he is not in charge of his destiny but that it is in God's hands with God's timing. He also believes that "good things" are coming out of this that would not have, had it not been for this journey. There have been some specific things to happen since this journey began to strengthen Joe's faith in God.

Well I'm back.............couldn't stay focused at work after finding out that the 2 weeks that Joe will have missed by not taking the chemo drug will result in no additional intake of the drug extended at the end of the 6 weeks of treatment. Left work early today:(

Christopher arrived for the night and was given the duty of giving Joe "The Cancer Haircut" which is so much better than having missing patches of hair that makes you look like one sick dude. I video the event and will post it asap. All he needs now is a suntan on that virgin scalp!!!



  1. We love you both so much!!!!!!!!

  2. Pearl, the power of prayer stretches beyond all human understanding, and it is in the unqualified faith that "God's Will Be Done" that we can make it through any of the tragedies or hardships in our daily lives at all. WE are not in control - - HE is. One of my favorite spiritual verses set to music that I learned in my 17 years (yikes!) of Catholic schooling is "Into Your hands we commend our spirit, Oh Lord; into Your hands we commend our lives". That about sums it up for me. There is a reason why everything happens the way it does, both good and bad. There IS a plan! Keep the faith, and all will be made clear in His time and in His way.

    Here for both of you always....


  3. Pearl,

    You two have so many people that love you and are praying for you both. Hope to see you guys very soon. Hey, I finally figured how how to do this......way cool!!!!

    Sue-Sue and I are here for you....ANYTIME

