Thursday, April 29, 2010

Treatment Day was today................the results are change in his platelet count so another week not taking Temador (chemo). The Thrush is gone! The incision and his cold sores are getting better. The slight change in his eye site is due to the water content in his eyes due to the steroid drug........that drug sure can cause some interesting side effects or at least it gets blamed for most of them! Dr Crocker cut him back some more on the steroid! His congestion is season related. Dr Crocker gave him a Rx for Ambien to help sleep.............he seems to "think" more than sleep. If you receive an email from him check what time he sent it and you will know what I mean. Of course he was having some out of mind thoughts while he was in the hospital taking Ambien! Heather & Christopher can vouch for that! Results are not back on the genetic testing yet according to Dr Crocker who is going to follow up on it for next Thursday's treatment day.

Heather & Joe came by my office and Joe had his picture taken for the Relay for Life team with my coworkers. The team name is Papa Joe's Biker Chics. Donations appreciated! The link is:


1 comment:

  1. The Ambien is no joke! Don't take it until you're sitting in bed with a glass of water on the nightstand!

    It was wonderful to see you today, Joe, and you looked great! I can't wait to see the pictures that Heather took, and to see our team picture posted on the Relay site.

    Good night and sweet dreams,

